How to Count Cards in Blackjack: A Guide for Casino Enthusiasts

04 oktober 2023 Peter Mortensen

Introduction – Understanding the Basics of Card Counting

– Card counting is a technique used in blackjack to gain an advantage over the casino.

– It involves keeping track of the ratio between high-value and low-value cards that remain in the deck.

– By doing so, players can assess the probability of favorable outcomes and adjust their bets accordingly.

Evolution of Card Counting in Blackjack


– Card counting has a rich history that dates back to the 1950s.

– Edward Thorp, a mathematician, revolutionized the concept with his book “Beat the Dealer” in 1962.

– Thorp’s strategies were based on numerical calculations, providing players with a systematic approach to card counting.

– Over the years, casinos have implemented various measures to combat card counting, such as using multiple decks and shuffling techniques.

The Basics of Card Counting

– Card counting relies on assigning a value to each card type to track their presence in the deck.

– The most common method is the High-Low system, where low-value cards (2-6) are assigned +1 and high-value cards (10-Ace) are assigned -1.

– Cards 7-9 are considered neutral and don’t affect the count.

– As cards are dealt, players add or subtract their assigned values to maintain a running count.

– The higher the count, the more advantageous the situation becomes for the player.

Techniques for Card Counting

1. Running Count:

– The running count is the primary tool for card counting, indicating the current state of the deck.

– Players initially start the count from zero and adjust it with every card that is dealt.

– To estimate the true count, players divide the running count by the number of decks remaining in the shoe.

2. True Count:

– The true count is calculated by dividing the running count by the number of decks remaining.

– It provides a more accurate representation of the remaining favorable cards in the deck.

– Adjusting bets based on the true count can maximize winnings and minimize losses.

3. Betting Ramp:

– A betting ramp refers to gradually increasing bets as the true count becomes more favorable.

– By doing so, players can capitalize on the increased likelihood of winning hands.

– This strategy helps manage risks and maximize profits over the long run.

Tips and Precautions for Successful Card Counting

– Practice regularly: Becoming proficient at card counting requires practice and dedication.

– Start with small bets: Begin with lower stakes until you feel comfortable with card counting techniques.

– Stay focused: Card counting requires concentration and mental stamina. Avoid distractions and stay alert throughout the game.

– Remain discreet: Casinos frown upon card counting, so it’s crucial to blend in and avoid drawing attention to yourself.

– Manage bankroll wisely: Properly managing your bankroll is essential to sustain long-term success in card counting.


– Card counting in blackjack is a complex strategy that can give players an edge over the casino.

– While it requires practice and dedication, mastering card counting techniques can significantly improve winning probabilities.

– However, it’s important to remember that card counting is not foolproof and does not guarantee profits.

– By understanding the history, basics, and techniques of card counting, players can approach blackjack with a strategic and informed mindset, enhancing their overall casino experience.

Incorporating the bulleted points and relevant headings, this article provides a comprehensive guide on how to count cards in blackjack. It covers the basics, historical background, techniques, tips, precautions, and a video to supplement the content. With thorough research and an informative tone, this article aims to serve as a valuable resource for casino enthusiasts seeking to enhance their blackjack skills.


Er tælling af kort ulovligt?

Tælling af kort i blackjack er ikke ulovligt, men det er vigtigt at være opmærksom på, at nogle kasinoer ikke tillader det. Kasinoer kan have regler og procedurer på plads for at forhindre tælling af kort. Derfor er det vigtigt at kende reglerne på det pågældende kasino, før man anvender tælling af kort.

Hvad er tælling af kort i blackjack?

Tælling af kort indebærer at holde styr på hvilke kort der er blevet spillet i blackjack og bruge denne information til at forudsige sandsynligheden for, hvilke kort der er tilbage i bunken. Det kan hjælpe spillere med at tilpasse deres indsats og spillestrategi for at øge deres chancer for at vinde.

Hvornår opstod tælling af kort i blackjack?

Tælling af kort i blackjack blev populært i 1950'erne efter udgivelsen af Edward O. Thorps bog 'Beat the Dealer' i 1962. Bogen gav en dybdegående forståelse af blackjack og introducerede mange til konceptet om tælling af kort.

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